Tuesday, October 20, 2009


“Israeli Scientists have devised a computer that cans perform 330 trillion operations per second, more than 100,000 times the speed of fastest super computer, the secret: It runs on DNA.”
Source: National Geographic news18

December 9th,1959 , At the annual meeting of American Physical society at California institute of technology, there was a visionary speech given by R.P.Feynman11 , which described the possibility of building sub-microscopic computers and Later, in 1994, Leonard Adleman1 solved an unremarkable computational problem with remarkable technique, than it seemed to find the way to construct computing machines which would have the capability to perform trillions operations at a time and could hold ten 10 terabytes of data with in one cubic centimetre. Although the problem solved by Adleman was not too complex, anybody could solve it in few moments or any computer machine could solve it in a blink of eyes but it took Adleman, however, seven days to find out the solution of the problem, the reason was he solved problem with the DNA.
Speed of computation and Power consumption are the two main parameters of any computing devices. Conventional computer carry out operations sequentially, which binds the speed of these devices but if you found a mean to carry out operations in parallel then there would be a great improvement in the speed of computing devices. DNA2 has a capability to carry out reactions in parallel so due to this property it possesses massive parallelism and hence, the speed of DNA computer is enormous. A normal pc can execute approximately 106 operations/sec, the fastest super computer currently available can execute approximately 1012operations/sec but under some condition approximately 1020 operations seems entirely reasonable for DNA computers. After the Adleman’s experiment DNA computing has gained its popularity and there are many researchers who are working hard to find a way to replace the silicon based computers with these extremely small , cheap and fast computers. Here we will discuss some basic terms of biology related to DNA, Adleman’s experiment and some important work done by some other researchers, recent updates about DNA computing, advantages and disadvantages , future and some killer applications .

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